
Featured: Looking For Inspiration in Unexpected Places

Featured: Looking For Inspiration in Unexpected Places

By Dr. Seleem Choudhury 

The importance of inspiration in leadership has been long known. When people are inspired by the behavior of an individual, that inspiration can shape actions, goals, and outcomes. Ultimately, those who inspire others not only have a “significant positive impact on their followers,” but also on social systems.

Good leaders create inspiring moments

Good leaders create inspiring moments

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Consistency in the day-to-day requirements of leadership is essential, but the best leaders also know how to intentionally create moments that inspire, engage, drive imagination, and have an impact that far outlasts the moment itself.

A mission statement must be more than a PR tactic

A mission statement must be more than a PR tactic

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Each one of us has deeply held beliefs that motivate us to action. This is part of what it is to be human. It is embedded in our humanity to pursue virtue, or a habitual and firm disposition to do good. Our character is inextricably linked with virtue, because good character is built through the practice and habituation of virtues (Newstead, Dawkins, & Martin, 2019).